My goal is to create inclusive and high-end clothing led by innovative designs, inspiring people to build environmental awareness and redefine fashion.
The Seductive Allure of Sustainability
The project “The Seductive Allure of Sustainability” places the material at the centre of a creative process of recovering materials previously used in Fendi’s window installations, thinking about how to decons- truct them so they can find new life as artworks and in entirely new contexts.
HAES "Health As Every Shape”
Organic natural shapes, finding imperfect silhouettes through flowers, desert tracks and animal carcasses showing the vulnerability between life and death.
Art Has NO Gender
The inspiration comes from the creation of an organic world, and the androgynous life style of Annemarie Schwarzenbach.
Kintsugi, also known as kintsukuroi, is the Japanese art of repairing broken pottery by mending the areas of breakage with lacquer dusted or mixed with powdered gold, silver, or platinum; the method is similar to the maki-e technique.
Design of clothing prototype for blind children and in wheelchair applying sensors and habilitations to enhance their independence.